Monday, October 13, 2014

Exclusive Interview: Blitz Kids Reveal Their Next Single Choice

Blitz Kids are definitely one our favourite rock bands around at the moment so we were delighted to chat to the guys last weekend!

Jono Yates, Nicholas Montgomery and Matt Freer from the group all visited us at OnePopz HQ for an exclusive interview before their headline show at Manchester's Sound Control. Unfortunately, lead singer Joe James couldn't take part because he was strictly on voice rest but it was great to chat to his fellow bandmates.

The three rockers spoke to us about: their latest single 'Perfect', writing their new album in California, being influenced musically by My Chemical Romance and much more. They also exclusively revealed that 'Keep Swinging' will be the fifth single from 'The Good Youth', exciting right? That's one of our all time favourites.

You can read some highlights from the interview and watch it in all its glory below.

Was it always the plan to release 'Perfect' as a single?
Jono: "No actually, it was kind of a recent afterthought. Because we’ve been playing it live for ages and the reaction has always been the best one; we’re playing it last now."
Nicholas: "Shutupppp." *laughs*
Jono: *laughs* "Spoilers. We’ve always loved playing it live and the fans have as well, they always go crazy for it so we felt like we had something that we were really tapping into so we thought you know what, let’s just release it as a single. Because it was going to be ‘Keep Swinging’ next but we were like ‘let’s do ‘Perfect’ instead’."
Nicholas: "Party time."

So if you could release a fifth single from the album, would you pick ‘Keep Swinging’?
Jono: "I think we are, I think it is ‘Keep Swinging’." *laughs*
Nicholas: "That’s the inside scoop." *laughs*

You've now released four music videos for the record, which was your favourite to shoot?
Matt: "‘Perfect’ was the best It was just a very chilled out environment to work around and compared to most music videos, we’re just performing constantly for like four hours like doing take over take. But this one, we did minimal performance and the rest is just us walking around and mucking about."
Jono: "We felt really relaxed too because we’ve worked with the director twice before, Joe Connor, and he’s incredible. He’s a good lad. It was really productive and a really great environment to be in."
Nicholas: "We just sort of let him run riot, didn’t we?"

And you're currently touring with the new album, how are you finding that?
Jono: "This is the best. Last night, in Nottingham, is actually the best show that we’ve ever played as a band. We’ve been touring for like seven years now so playing to nobody, playing to a few people and the sound guy or whatever. But last night felt like we’d reached the point where we’re actually a real band now."
Nicholas: "People care."
Jono: "There was a barrier up and people were going crazy, it felt like we were on a support tour for a really big band and everyone was just really excited but it wasn’t. It was our crowd for us. It was wonderful."

To quote 'Run For Cover', who's initials would you get tattooed on your knuckles for life?
Nicholas: "I already did it. I got my wife’s initials tattooed."
Jono: "He wrote the song so he’s already got that. I’d probably get my mate Steve because he’s just a chap. He’s a Leeds fan, which I absolutely despise, but he’s a decent enough lad and I’ve been his mate for ages so I’d probably get STAV."

So what does the future hold for Blitz Kids then?
Matt: "A new album."
Jono: "It’s really exciting now actually. We’ve all got a whole new life. Before Matt joined the band, we were gonna call it a day. We were done with it; fed up of playing to no-one and playing songs that we didn’t really like. Matt joined and gave us a new kind of viewpoint on things, a new perspective, and we were re-energised."
"Even after that, it got to a certain point where it was like ‘bloody hell, we’ve been touring for so long’ and we didn’t really see any progress. But with the new album coming out, yesterday was just unbelievable for us and the entire tour has just been a real eye opener. It’s been incredible and now the fact that we have an opportunity to write an album that people are going to excited about and looking forward to is something we haven’t really had before. With 'The Good Youth', people were like ‘What’s this gonna be about? Who are these guys?’ but now we’re on people’s radar and we’re really looking forward to the future."

Have you got any idea when we can expect the next album?
Jono: "As I say, we’re writing it now. We’re going to be recording and demoing from now until whenever it’s finished. We’re not gonna rush it but we’re not gonna be lazy about it either."
Nicholas: "It’s not gonna be a Chinese democracy."

If you could leave one message for your fans, what would you say?
All three: "Thanks."
Jono: "Honestly, thanks a lot because without them, we would have probably called it a day."

‘The Good Youth’ is available now and we’d definitely recommend that you buy a copy here on iTunes. Aside from the singles, our personal favourites are: ‘Sold My Soul’, 'Roll The Dice', 'Long Road' and ‘I Don't Mind’.

After the interview, we also went to see Blitz Kids at their gig and they put on an amazing show. Performing fan favourites and old classics, the guys certainly proved why they're one of the hottest rock bands right now.

Their UK tour may have just finished but the boys will supporting New Found Glory in Paris next month. They'll also be announcing more European shows very soon so make sure you keep checking their gig dates.

We can't wait to see the official video for 'Keep Swinging' and hear more new music from Blitz Kids; we're sure we won't be disappointed. In the meantime, we're going to put 'The Good Youth' on repeat. Rock on!

Which is your favourite Blitz Kids song? Let us know!