Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Awww! Check Out Harry And Liam With Trekstock’s Dog In London Last Night!

How cute do Harry and Liam look in the photo above with Trekstock’s dog? It’s adorable!

The photo was taken at Trekstock’s charity dinner in London last night. Liam and Harry went for a meal with some lucky competition winners. We’re not going to lie; we’re super jealous.

Just imagine having tea with Harry and Liam - we wouldn’t want the night to end!

Trekstock is a charity which helps support young people with cancer and they launched their One Direction competition with Liam and Harry back in July last year. Harry and Liam are ambassadors of Trekstock and fans could win the chance to spend an evening with them by donating money. There were several other prizes up for grabs too!

We love that the boys used their fame to help a great cause and it’s great to see directioners who donate to charity being rewarded. This surely had to be one of the best competitions ever.

Speaking about the charity, Harry and Liam said: “We are both proud Trekstock ambassadors and we love the work that they do. We are always on the look out for new people to join as ambassadors of Trekstock.

Us directioners managed to raise over $750,000 in total which is super impressive, well done. It’s not over now though, cancer affects people every day and you can find out how to donate here.

As well as spending time with Liam and Harry, the fans also received £500 in vouchers. WOW!

What would you have ordered at the Trekstock meal?