Monday, December 15, 2014

Exclusive Interview: Elyar Fox Discusses His New Acoustic EP, Future Album Plans And More

Just last month, Elyar Fox visited OnePopz HQ for an exclusive acoustic session and it was a pleasure to chat to him about his brilliant new EP!

After scoring a top five hit with his debut single 'Do It All Over Again' in January, Elyar has gone from strength to strength this year. He currently has over 270,000 followers on Twitter and just recently released his new acoustic EP 'Good Friends' which is refreshingly different to most of the songs in the chart right now.

In the interview, we discussed: the new record, how he found touring as a support act for both The Wanted and Union J, whether cracking America is something he has planned in the near future and much more.

You can read some interesting quotes from the interview and watch it in all its glory below.

So you've just released a new EP 'Good Friends' - how would you describe it for people who haven't yet heard it?
I feel like it’s kind of a step forward really with my music and my writing and stuff. Definitely, it’s a step forward and it’s quite diverse. A couple of tracks are quite upbeat such as ‘Deja Vu’ and ‘New York City’ but ‘Good Friends’ definitely shows more of a mellow side to me. So I guess I’m sometimes very energetic and sometimes I’m very just ‘hey’. So it’s cool, it tells more of a story and ‘Deja Vu’ is more fun.

What made you choose an acoustic sound for the record?
What I liked about the acoustic EP is while I’m going and working on my album, discovering my sound and spending loads of time writing and just developing myself as an artist, it seems like it was a good idea to put out the acoustic EP. It’s just more about the songs rather than where the production’s going and whether it’s a club record or whether it’s pop/rock, it’s kind of it’s just acoustic so it kinds of focuses on just me, my voice and the guitars. It was really nice to just give something to the fans while I’ve been away for a while so it was good.

Our favourite track is ‘New York City’ - is cracking America something you hope to do in the near future?
I mean yeah, come on, everyone wants to crack America. I love America and I’ve actually never been to New York City so it would definitely be somewhere in the future. Somewhere in the future I’d love to attend the US. "

Your debut single was titled ‘Do It All Over Again’ - if you could relive one moment, which would it be?
This interview. After we’ve finished, we’ll do it one more time, word for word. I don’t know, it’s quite interesting, I don’t think there’s one moment that I’d love to do but probably a show down the line somewhere. I’d love to do last night again (first headline show) but probably this night. Hopefully this night, I’ll want to re-do.

So what does the future hold for Elyar Fox? Can we expect a full album soon?
Yeah, I mean I haven’t got any dates. I held back the date, having been in the studio and really finding my sound and getting more of an album which is more of a … I know it’s kind of an overused term but body of work. It’s slowly becoming more a body of work and I’m really happy with the direction it’s taking.

And if you could leave one message for you fans, what would it be?
No pressure.. keep it foxy. Yeah, you know what guys, thanks so much for all of the love. I feel obliged to look into the camera, I’m looking into your soul. Thanks for all of the love and all of the support. I can’t wait for you guys to hear more music.

Elyar Fox's new acoustic EP 'Good Friends' is available here on iTunes and we'd definitely recommend that purchase a copy. It may only be four tracks long but they're all fantastic and all unique in their own right.

2014's certainly been a great year for Elyar so we can't wait to see what's in store for him next year; hopefully we'll finally get our hands on an Elyar Fox album. In the meantime, we're going to keep 'Good Friends' on repeat.

Make sure you also check out Elyar Fox’s intimate acoustic session for us here; he performed 'Good Friends' and 'Let Your Hair Down' live in the studio!