Monday, March 10, 2014

BOOM! Zayn Inspires New Look Ghost Rider For Marvel’s Next Series Of Comic Books!

Zayn Malik has inspired a brand new look for Ghost Rider in Marvel’s next series of comic books!

We can see why, who wouldn’t want to base a new cartoon around our gorgeous Zayn?

The comic books are set to hit shelves later in the year and the character looks like Zayn did in the ‘Kiss You’ music video. It has his previous trademark blonde stripes!

According to The Sun, Ghost Rider editor Mark Paniccia told illustrator and creator Felipe Smith: “The guy from One Direction’s name is Zayn Malik. I was picturing Robbie as a beefier version of him. Physically strong with a quiet, troubled, expression…kind of boyish.

We’re sure Zayn will love the fact that a superhero has been designed to look like him. He’s very artistic and of course has his comic book style ‘ZAP’ tattoo on his right arm too!

Perrie also got Zayn a cake designed and themed around ‘The Incredible Hulk’ for his 21st birthday earlier this year so he’s definitely a big fan of comic books in general.

We can’t wait to see what the new Ghost Rider comics will look like. It’ll be interesting to see whether or not more characters in the series will look like the other boys!

What do you think of the amazayn new Ghost Rider?