Tuesday, February 25, 2014

OnePopz’s Top 10 Doctor Who Companions And Allies – Who’s The Best?

It's not just The Doctor and aliens that make Doctor Who amazing, his companions are a huge part of the show too!

Wherever The Doctor goes, he's usually helped by a beautiful assistant.

These are the characters that we often identify with as we see the brilliant and crazy Whoniverse through their eyes. They're usually just normal people like you and me so we can relate to them.

Earlier today, we posted news here about Samuel Anderson joining the cast of Doctor Who as a companion for the show's eighth series and last week, we listed our top 20 Doctor Who villains here.

As such, we've decided to look back at some of The Doctor's best assistants since the show's revival.

We're jealous of them all and hope that The Doctor will come and pick us up in his TARDIS one day!

Our list of favourite allies starts with...

10. Rory Williams

Rory Williams starts off our list of Doctor Who's top 10 companions!

Played by Arthur Darvill, Rory is a quirky character who became the husband of The Doctor's companion Amy Pond. At first, Amy's trips in the TARDIS were kept hidden from Rory but he soon became a part of the team!

He died, was erased from history and then later resurrected. That's quite a lot for one companion! Rory was often referred to as 'the boy who waited' as he spent nearly 2,000 years waiting for and protecting Amy.

The pair were last seen being sent back in time by a Weeping Angel in 'The Angels Take Manhattan'.

9. Astrid Peth

The fact that Kylie Minogue played Astrid Peth was always going to put her near the top of our list!

Astrid was a waitress aboard the Titanic starship who always dreamed of seeing the stars and other planets. The Doctor helped her fulfill this dream and the pair soon hit it off.

To prevent Max Capricorn from destroying the Titanic, Astrid sacrificed herself. She was later revived but only as stardust as there wasn't enough energy to save her completely. Astrid was left to roam the stars forever.

She only appeared in 'Voyage of the Damned' but we wish she could have stayed longer!

8. River Song

River Song has to be one of The Doctor's most mysterious companions ever!

Played by Alex Kingston, she's a time traveller from The Doctor's future. Her time stream runs in the opposite direction to The Doctor's meaning that the first time he meets her is the last time she'll ever meet him.

Confusing right? We later learn that River was originally born Melody Pond making her the daughter of both Amy Pond and Rory Williams. She was a complex character but we loved watching the mysteries unravel.

River Song had adventures with both The 10th Doctor and The 11th Doctor.

7. Martha Jones

As much as we loved Martha, we think she was better suited to Doctor Who's spin-off show 'Torchwood'!

Martha Jones is very intelligent and in ways, she was almost an equal to The Doctor. She first met him when the hospital she worked in was transported to the Moon and it wasn't long before she developed a crush!

Our favourite Martha moment has to be the epic quest that she went on to build hope and spread the word about The Doctor in the series three finale. After leaving The Doctor, Martha was recruited to UNIT.

Played by Freema Agyeman, Martha's most recent appearance was in 'The End of Time'.

6. Amy Pond

Amy Pond was The 11th Doctor's first companion and she's sixth on our list!

She first met The Doctor when she seven years old and he promised he'd return shortly. Instead of taking a few minutes though, it actually took 12 years before Amy got to see her 'raggedy man' again. Poor Amy!

Amy is the mother of River Song and the wife of Rory Williams. She's been on many adventures with The Doctor where she's encountered several aliens such as: the Daleks, Silurians and The Silence.

Like Rory, she was last seen being sent back in time by a Weeping Angel in ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’.

5. Donna Noble

Donna Noble makes it to number five in our list, partly because her exit from the show was so sad!

We weren't massive fans of Donna after her appearance in 'The Runaway Bride' but that all changed in Doctor Who's fourth series. Becoming The Doctor's companion changed Donna for the better.

She saved reality from Davros and for one moment, she was 'the most important woman in all of creation'. That's why it was so tragic when The Doctor had to wipe her memory in order to save her life.

Played by Catherine Tate, Donna's most recent appearance was in 'The End of Time'.

4. Captain Jack Harkness

His names Jack, Captain Jack Harkness!

Jack is a massive flirt and that's part of what we love about him so much. He's played by John Barrowman and after being brought back to life, Jack can no longer age or die. That's not as good as it sounds though!

The character proved so popular that he was given own spin-off show 'Torchwood' which we loved. It had four seasons and we hope that it'll return to our screens one day, we need more Captain Jack in our life!

In terms of Doctor Who, Captain Jack most recently appeared in 'The End of Time'.

3. Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane Smith is The Doctor's longest-serving companion on our list!

She was played by Elisabeth Sladen and first appeared in Doctor Who's 1973 story 'The Time Warrior'. Sarah is a journalist who has encountered the 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th Doctors. Pretty impressive right?

In terms of the revived show, Sarah Jane returned for the Doctor Who season two episode 'School Reunion' where she was re-united with The Doctor and encountered a nasty bunch of Krillitanes!

Like Captain Jack, Sarah Jane Smith was also given her own spin-off show titled 'The Sarah Jane Adventures'. It broke records for the CBBC channel and was aimed at children. Despite that, we loved it too!

Sadly, Elisabeth Sladen who played Sarah Jane Smith passed away in 2011.

2. Clara Oswald

Clara Oswald just misses out on the top spot of our list.

She's the 'Impossible Girl' who confused not only The Doctor but us too!

By entering The Doctor's physical timestream in order to protect the universe from an alien attack, Clara appears throughout different moments of The Doctor's life with different names.

Her first appearance was as Oswin in 'Asylum of the Daleks' and after that, she appeared in different time periods but always under the name Clara. She's an awesome assistant who's saved The Doctor many times!

Played by Jenna Coleman, Clara Oswald is one of The Doctor's current companions.

1. Rose Tyler

We reckon Rose will always be our favourite companion!

She was the first assistant we ever watched so we'll always have a soft spot for her!

Along with Christopher Eccleston and the show's creators, Billie Piper's portrayal of Rose is a big reason why the show's revival was so successful. If it wasn't for them, Doctor Who might not still be going today.

There's so many reasons we love Rose! Her and The Doctor were literally perfect for each other and it was genuinely heartbreaking when the pair were separated in both 'Doomsday' and 'Journey's End'.

Rose was the 'Bad Wolf' who destroyed a whole Dalek fleet and fought her way back from a parallel universe to be re-united with The Doctor. Now, she's on a parallel Earth with The Doctor's half-human duplicate.

Billie Piper was last seen in 'The Day of the Doctor' but Rose was last seen in 'The End of Time!'

Who are your favourite Doctor Who companions?