Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Doctor Who’s Top 20 Scariest Monsters And Villains - Get Behind The Sofa!

Don't blink! Whatever you do when you read this article, don't turn away and don't blink!

Be prepared to be scared! Here at OnePopz, we've decided to name the top 20 creepiest Doctor Who enemies who've appeared in the show since its revival by Russell T Davies back in 2005.

That's quite a task because most of them have made us hide behind the sofa at some point! We don't know how The Doctor sleeps, we know we'd have nightmares every night if we'd seen everything he'd seen.

The question is: who will take the top spot? Will it be the Daleks? The Cybermen? Or maybe neither of them?

You'll have to read on to find out...

20. Zygons

The Zygons come in at number 20 on our list of Doctor Who's scariest monsters!

Aside from their creepy looks, the Zygons freak us out because they can shape-shift and physically transform to replicate the appearance of someone else. There's one condition though, the person still has to be alive.

Imagine that, your friends or family could actually be Zygons! Isn't that an awful thought?

The Zygons first appeared in the 1975 adventure 'Terror of the Zygons' and most recently appeared in Doctor Who's 50th anniversary special 'The Day of the Doctor'. They've been terrifying people for nearly 40 years!

Another interesting fact is that the Zygons are David Tennant's favourite monsters from the show.

19. Ice Warriors

We hate the cold but we'd hate to be stuck in the cold with some Ice Warriors even more!

Originating from Mars, Ice Warriors are reptilian humanoids who want to conquer the Earth. Behind their masks is a creepy lizard face which is enough to make you grab for your cushions!

The Ice Warriors first appeared in the 1967 adventure 'The Ice Warriors' and most recently appeared in the 11th Doctor story 'Cold War'. They're one of the oldest enemies to be revived for the show.

Interestingly, the Ice Warriors aren't always evil! They've sometimes formed an alliance with The Doctor.

18. Vespiform

Now we don't know about you but we hate wasps and bees, we're always scared of being stung!

It'll come as no surprise then that the Vespiform has made it to number 18 in our list. Like with the Zygons, Vespiforms can shapeshift and transform into other species but they're usually seen as giant wasps.

The Vespiform appeared in 10th Doctor's murder mystery episode 'The Unicorn and the Wasp' but it was first seen in the 2nd Doctor TV comic story 'The Killer Wasps' back in 1968.

A purple haze surrounds the Vespiform when it changes its appearance.

17. Lazarus

One of the frightening things about Lazarus is that he's actually human!

Professor Lazarus started out just like you or me but he had ambitions which came at a price. He was old and wanted to be young again, he managed to do it but the side effects physically turned him into a monster.

As the scorpion-like creature, Lazarus must drain people's life in order to stay alive himself.

The Doctor explained that despite not looking like one, Lazarus was still human and that a dormant gene had triggered an evolution which should never have happened.

Lazarus appeared in the 10th Doctor and Martha Jones story 'The Lazarus Experiment'.

16. The Clockwork Droids

One of the first scenes featuring the Clockwork Droids involved one of them hiding under someone's bed! That's enough to make us never want to look under our beds again.

The Clockwork Droids tried to the fix the starship SS Madame De Pompadour. They did this by replacing broken parts of the ship with human body parts, an example being a camera they made using a human eye.

That's pretty freaky right? The Clockwork Droids believed that the ship could be fully repaired if they took Madame De Pompadour's brain and as such, they stalked her through all periods of her life.

They appeared in 'The Girl in the Fireplace', the fourth episode of Doctor Who series two.

15. The Gelth

The Gelth are basically zombies possessed by ghosts! How scary can you get?

They were originally a humanoid species but they lost their physical bodies during the great Time War. As a result, they needed new hosts for their souls so they started to possess corpses in Cardiff in 1869.

The Gelth's eerie screams are enough to make anyone cover their ears! They persuaded The Doctor to allow them to use the corpses but when the rift opened, The Gelth threatened to take over Earth.

They appeared in the third episode of Doctor Who series one, 'The Unquiet Dead'.

14. Silurians

The Silurians are a race of reptile humanoids who actually inhabited Earth before us!

They've got massive tongues which can inject venom into any of their victims. Despite that, Silurians are not always enemies. The Silurian Vastra has helped the 11th Doctor and his companions on many occasions.

Silurians first appeared in the 1970 adventure 'Doctor Who and the Silurians' and their most recent appearance was in the 'The Name of the Doctor'.

In terms of weapons, they often use guns which fire fatal energy beams.

13. Sontarans

Their heads may look like potatoes but it's their passion for war that makes Sontarans so scary!

They enjoy war as much as me and you enjoy watching Doctor Who. Like the Silurians, not all Sontarans are evil though. Commander Strax was forced to serve as a nurse and he has helped The Doctor several times.

The Sontarans were first seen in 1973 story 'The Time Warrior' and their latest appearance was in 'The Time of the Doctor', Matt Smith's final episode as the 11th Doctor.

12. Autons

Next time you walk past a shop window, make sure it's a mannequin not an Auton!

Autons are living plastic dummies which have a reputation for killing people. Weapons are concealed within their hands and they're controlled by the Nestene Consciousness, an extraterrestrial intelligent life form.

The Autons first appeared in 'Spearhead from Space' on the 3rd January 1970. They also featured in the 2005 story 'Rose', making them the first monsters in the new and revived Doctor Who.

11. Racnoss

We mentioned how much we hate wasps earlier but the Racnoss are much worse!

The Racnoss are an ancient race who look like they're half human half spider. If you thought the spiders in your house were bad then don't worry, The Doctor had it a lot worse than any of us.

Their limbs are razor sharp and they use these along with their webs to trap their victims. What's worse is that their ship was the core of Earth so they were living under the very ground we're standing on!

The Empress of the Racnoss appeared in the 2006 Christmas special 'The Runaway Bride'.

Are you ready for things to get even more creepy? We're now in the top 10!

10. The Beast

Just look at The Beast, if you're not scared by that then we don't know what will scare you!

Although the nature of it was never actually fully explained, The Beast looked like the Devil and it claimed to be the basis for Satan in myths and religion.

The Beast was imprisoned on the planet Krop Tor and it possessed both humans and an alien race called the Ood. It killed many of them and even The Doctor was too frightened to discover its origins.

The Beast appeared in the season two episodes : 'The Impossible Planet' and 'The Satan Pit'.

9. The Midnight Entity

You may think that's just a normal woman but believe me, it's much worse!

That woman is possessed by something only known as the 'Midnight entity'. The fact you can't see the enemy terrifies us but what it actually does to the people it possesses makes it worthy of being number seven.

The entity would start to copy what other people said, then speak simultaneously and then speak before the other person. Following those three stages, the person possessed would be left paralysed.

The 'Midnight entity' appeared in the 2008 adventure 'Midnight'.

8. Peg Dolls

Dolls are always something which we've found creepy!

So when they appeared in Doctor Who, we panicked quite a bit. These peg dolls were life-size and not only that, they were actually alive too. Their emotionless faces gave us nightmares for days!

One touch from these Peg Dolls is all it would take for you to become just like them. They wouldn't kill you but you'd be forced to live a life as one of them, we're not sure which is worse to be honest.

The Peg Dolls appeared in the season 6 episode 'Night Terrors'.

7. Vashta Nerada

Vashta Nerada are nasty creatures that live in the shadows!

Be careful where you step because a swarm of these could literally take the flesh from your bones. They usually live in forests and there are Vashta Nerada on pretty much every planet, including Earth.

If there's enough of them in the swarm, they have the ability to control their victim's skeletons and they can even communicate. We don't want to encounter them, let alone have a conversation with them!

The Vashta Nerada appeared in the season four episodes: 'Silence in the Library' and 'Forest of the Dead'.

6. The Master

Like The Doctor, The Master is a Time Lord but he's not quite as nice!

He wants to control the universe and chose his name with the intention of hurting The Doctor in mind. The Master's power crazy and you can tell that by his laugh alone, it's the laugh of a mad man!

With aims to start an empire who would declare war with other planets, The Master once hypnotised the United Kingdom and persuaded them to elect him as president.

He first appeared in the 1971 story 'Terror of the Autons' and most recently returned in 'The End of Time'.

5. The Empty Child

"Are you my mummy?" - that's the terrifying phrase repeated by The Empty Child!

When Captain Jack ditched an ambulance ship from the future in London, it hit a young boy named Jamie. The nanogenes in the ship healed him but they didn't realise that his gas mask wasn't actually part of his face.

This started a plague and the virus spread to everyone who the Empty Child touched. Before you knew it, there was hundreds of hospital patients walking around with gas masks attached like skin.

The Empty Child appeared in two episodes of Doctor Who's first season back in 2005.

4. The Silence

If you scroll down this page, you'll have forgotten you even saw this monster!

The moment you look away from The Silence, you'll forget that you ever saw them. That concept really scares us because it means that we could have seen them at any point in our own lives.

As well as making everyone forget that they even exist, The Silence can also absorb energy and use it as a weapon to destroy some of their enemies. They've got to be one of our favourite Doctor Who monsters.

The Silence were first seen in 'The Impossible Astronaut' and most recently, 'The Time of the Doctor'.

3. Daleks

Many would disagree with us listing the Daleks as the third scariest villains!

Don't get us wrong, they're scary but we think there are scarier monsters that you will read all about soon.

The Daleks have become part of Doctor Who's history with their trademark phrase 'exterminate' and that's exactly what they want, to exterminate all life that isn't of the Dalek species.

Dalek weaponry includes an energy beam and a telescopic manipulator arm which communicates with technology and can suffocate people to death. They have no ability to feel compassion.

To date, Daleks have featured in 99 episodes of Doctor Who and we're sure they'll be back soon!

2. Cybermen

The Cybermen just missed out on the top spot of our list!

They're basically us, the human race, upgraded. How scary is that? It's human brains inside those metal suits but they don't have the ability to feel any type of emotions. Their main purpose is to convert everyone else.

We find these particularly freaky because the world is becoming more and more dependant on technology. Everyone's after the latest gadget and we just hope that one day, no-one thinks this would be a good idea.

The Cybermen have been re-designed several times and starred most recently in 'The Time of the Doctor'.

1. Weeping Angels

We hope you've made it to the end of this article without blinking!

If not, you'd best be careful. The Weeping Angels are by far Doctor Who's scariest monsters in our eyes. When they are not being observed, even for just one second, they have the ability to move anywhere.

They're very quick and one touch from a Weeping Angel will send you back in time. Weeping Angels feed off the potential life that their victims would have lived in the present day.

Sometimes that's not enough though, Weeping Angels have also been known to murder their victims by snapping their necks. So make sure you're careful and don't take your eyes off them!

The Weeping Angels premiered in the 2007 adventure 'Blink' and they've returned numerous times.

Doctor Who will return later this year for its eight season! Which monsters and villains do you find the scariest?